Any changes next year coming

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      Come the start of every year tesco almost always announce some sort of structure change
      What’s your thoughts on this January coming ? Do you think they will make changes ?


        Stock & admin manager role going


          We have a Operational Manager in our store who looks after Stock, admin and space range. Do other stores had the Stock & Admin manager created a few years ago? Before the payroll app was perfected it was a big roll to run with space range.

          Checkout SuperstarCheckout Superstar

            Also heard stock/admin manager going. Stock controllers to be absorbed into relevant departments, Admin assistant and merchandisers to non food manager. Cash office to front end manager.


              It sounds like this will be the model for Days Extras

              1 Manager covering Front End, CSD, Trolley’s, PFS, Cash Office

              1 Manager covering all Fresh eg Dairy/Meat/Bread/Bakery/Produce

              1 Manager covering Dry Grocery, Frozen, BWS, Backdoor

              1 Manager covering Non Food/Clothing/Admin/Merch

              Stock Control manager gone completely and Fresh Food going from two to one manager. Stock control goes to relevant departments, Admin on reduced hours. Merch goes to Non Food manager.

              To reduce impact on Fresh food going from two managers to one the department will gain a shift leader similar to that of F&F

              Scheduling to skills is also returning and stores must stick to it. Constant unpicking will now be tracked and flagged up with the area manager. Recruitment will change in the second quarter but not show how that works with admin on reduced hours.

              Checkout SuperstarCheckout Superstar

                Rumours Team Support in Extras also going. Nights in Extras down to just one line manager, an extra Shift Leader being used.


                  I know someone who gets sight of info like this and he believes it is all management restructure. Line managers and team support mostly effected. CrazyChicks post sounds about right in terms of Fresh going to one line manager and stock manager going.

                  Shift leaders will fill the gaps so I’m assuming front end gets a shift lead to compensate for team support loss


                    Our team support went a while ago.We have a manager that does fresh,pi,stock control,merchandising,produce,bakery and admin.


                      I heard a while ago it was likely that Merch, PI, Stock Control and Admin would go to the Mon food manager

                      • This reply was modified 4 weeks, 1 day ago by GertyGerty.
                      Aunt SallyAunt Sally

                        Stock, P I, Merch and Admin are already under the non food manager in all new build Extras so that makes sense.

                        Team Support going has been on the cards since Off Till activity came along but they will need someone there to manager breaks.

                        I can also see the logic in night’s having only one line manager. The store is closed so you don’t need two managers to oversee 35 staff when the front end manager for example has 60. You have a shift leader who is there to see the night fill is done. Why waste a full night manager wage when its not needed?


                          I know people say I’ve heard this and I’ve heard that but our People Partner did accidently let slip a few things he thought would be announced last week of Jan.

                          Its pretty much similar to the management restructure of 2023. So in Large Extras Fresh Food will go from having two line managers to only one. Stock & Admin role goes completely. I’ve no idea what that means for the stock and admin colleagues but I would assume they will end up under Non Food which as said is already the case in most stores.

                          Nights go from two line managers to only one. Merch plus H&B Night colleagues move to days – I assume they will be offered pay protection for 18 months.

                          So that is 3 manager roles going as a result all managers go into the consultation model that was used in 2023. The ranking/score system will be used and the 3 lowest scoring will be offered a Shift Leader role or a payout.

                          Team Support also going. To be replaced by one Shift Leader and a couple of Off Till Activity roles which will basically just be runners.

                          F&F Shift leader becomes F&F Home Shift Lead so will oversee all of clothing/GM/H&B

                          Fresh Food gains a shift lead.

                          Please remember this is only relevant to Extras/large stores that aren’t already operating under this model.


                            Has anyone heard what will be offered to Team Support?


                              What’s the selection process for team managers


                                Does anybody know how to work out redundancy please?


                                  0.5x weekly wage per year of service under the age of 22. 1x weekly wage per year of service between ages of 22-41. 1.5x weekly wage per year of service above age of 41.31 Jan 2023

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