Any changes next year coming

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  • #357

      Do you have 100% confirmation of this?


        Once again people having time to make up utter nonsense, I really do think whoever you are should have a good look at yourself and your behaviour. The impact on people over the last few days from your rubbish post has been huge. Shame on you.


          Please remember these changes are store specific and not across the board



            Stock/Admin Manager going

            Nights going to 1 line manager instead of 2

            Fresh on days going to 1 TM instead of 2

            Them 3 things that people have been saying is happening none of it has been mentioned in the announcement today?

            Did thing it was rather strange especially the nights going to 1 manager then getting a 3rd shift leader as they wouldn’t make sense considering the fact that stores with only say 35 staff on nights don’t have night leads anymore so that would have meant there would only be 1 TM so then that wouldn’t work as when the 1 manager would be on holiday/long term sick if anything happened to them that would leave no one to do rotas or ARM’s etc which SL’s cannot do

            Shopfloor ImpShopfloor Imp

              Not sure who you’re directing this at as not sure anyone said anything other than what might happen as at end of day no one actually knew what was happening so was all very hypothetical until the briefings happened to be fair


                Phone shop manager will have bandings so band 1 store will have a manager, band 2 and lower will have 1 manager for two stores


                  The 3 things i said in my last post are all things people said were going to happen on this forum.

                  Yes correct no one actually knew but not really sure why people said that stuff then

                  For example someone said days ago stock/admin manager going and another said team support is going but it seems neither of them roles have been announced as going today so clearly it wasnt like someone had any inside info it was purely a rumour that wasn’t true whatsoever!

                  Glad all is clarified now anyways so anyone who though there job was going when in-fact it isn’t can now relax


                    All store specific-

                    Every SM knows

                    Every Usdaw briefed asap

                    PS – confirmed 100%




                        Main bank checkouts not opening until 8am and closing at 10pm
                        Early shoppers won’t be happy

                        Rigid driverRigid driver

                          Old contract Hgv drivers will either get an offer to buy out contracts or be offered redundancy.

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